Sunday, 2 March 2014

Ben Chonzie, Perthshire

Only just back and "off message" already.  Out for a walk to the summit of this little Munro. A lot of snow about.


  1. I believe that was the last Munro I ever climbed - with you and Mrs S. Not "the last Munro" of course - I think I have about 250 to go....

    (Still don't know how to pronounce it)

  2. Ben ee hone
    Don't think it was. Sure I have only done this once before with Tom.
    Mrs S? Better get a Munro holiday booked.

  3. Mrs Stewart - ie Margaret. Isn't Ben Chonzie the one with a wee lochan - ach no that'll be Ben an Lochain

  4. Up Glen Lednock near Comrie.
