Monday 28 March 2011

Bloomin Edinburgh

Flowering cherry on Ferry Road.


  1. Grrr - get yersel LIghtroom wi' it's lens distortion correction...

    Apart from that, the yearly appearance of the cherry blossom fills me with all sorts of emotions. I like Houseman's take on it from "A Shropshire Lad" - many of the verses there resonate as you get older, despite their distance.

    Loveliest of trees, the cherry now
    Is hung with bloom along the bough,
    And stands about the woodland ride
    Wearing white for Eastertide.

    Now, of my three score years and ten,
    Twenty will not come again,
    And take from seventy springs a score,
    It only leaves me fifty more.

    And since to look at things in bloom
    Fifty springs are little room,
    About the woodlands I will go
    To see the cherry hung with snow.

  2. Now why am I not surprised. I actually thought you would so comment. As soon as the present penury abates I will get it honest.
    Houseman, it'll be Betjamen next. But I do love the cherry blossom.

  3. Grrr - tell Richard to get himsel some apostrophe distortion correction.....
